How Jay deal with this error? AdSense Policy Violations!

Case Study: Resolving Google AdSense Policy Violations

Case Study: How Jay Malakar Resolved a Google AdSense Policy Violation


Meet Jay Malakar, a passionate blogger and website developer from Raigarh. Jay runs multiple blogs, including the well-known Recently, Jay encountered a challenge that many content creators face: a Google AdSense policy violation warning. In this case study, we'll walk you through Jay's journey to resolve the issue and ensure that his website remains compliant with AdSense policies.

The Problem: Google AdSense Policy Violation

One day, while managing, Jay received an alarming message from Google AdSense. The notification stated that there were some policy violations on his site, specifically about "Google-served ads on screens without publisher content." The violations mentioned issues such as:

  • Pages with low-quality content
  • Pages under construction
  • Pages used for alerts, navigation, or other non-content-related purposes

This warning posed a significant risk to Jay's AdSense earnings, which are an important revenue stream for his blogs.

Initial Reaction and Analysis

Jay knew he had to act quickly. Ignoring such a warning could lead to more severe penalties, including the suspension of his AdSense account. The first step was to thoroughly understand the issue. Jay carefully read through the violation details provided by Google and realized that some of his pages might be lacking the quality content that Google requires for displaying ads.

Key Issues Identified:

  • Low-Quality Content: Some pages on had minimal content, which didn’t provide much value to visitors.
  • Pages Under Construction: A few pages were still being developed and were not ready for public viewing, yet ads were already placed on them.
  • Thin Content Pages: Pages like "Contact Us" and "Privacy Policy" had ads, which Google generally frowns upon due to their non-content nature.

The Solution: A Step-by-Step Approach

Jay developed a comprehensive plan to address the issues highlighted by Google. Here's how he tackled the problem:

1. Enhancing Content Quality

Jay started by auditing all the content on He identified the pages with low-quality content and took the following actions:

  • Expanded Content: He added more valuable, original content to these pages. This included detailed articles, helpful guides, and engaging media to ensure visitors had a reason to stay and explore.
  • Regular Updates: Jay implemented a content update schedule to keep the information fresh and relevant. This practice not only helps with AdSense but also improves SEO.

2. Managing Pages Under Construction

Next, Jay focused on the pages that were still under construction. To resolve this:

  • Removed Ads: Jay removed all ads from the pages that were not fully ready. He ensured that these pages were marked as "noindex" so that they wouldn’t appear in search results until they were complete.
  • Finalized Content Before Launch: Jay made a rule for himself that no ads would be placed on any new pages until they were fully completed and reviewed for content quality.

3. Avoiding Ads on Thin Content Pages

For pages that were not intended to be content-rich, such as "Contact Us" or "Privacy Policy," Jay took the following steps:

  • Removed Ads: He removed all ads from these non-content pages, focusing ad placement on pages with substantial and meaningful content.
  • Focused Ad Placement: Jay strategically placed ads only on pages where visitors were likely to find value and engage with the content.

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The Outcome

After implementing these changes, Jay submitted his site for a review by Google AdSense. Within a couple of weeks, he received the good news: his site was now compliant with AdSense policies, and the ads were reinstated without any further issues.

This experience taught Jay valuable lessons about content quality, proper ad placement, and staying vigilant with website maintenance. Now, is not only compliant with AdSense policies but also offers a better experience for its visitors.


1. What should I do if I receive a Google AdSense policy violation?

First, carefully review the violation details provided by Google. Identify the problem areas on your site and take immediate steps to resolve them, such as improving content quality and removing ads from non-compliant pages.

2. Can I show ads on pages under construction?

No, it's best to avoid showing ads on pages that are still under construction. Make sure these pages are marked as "noindex" and do not include any ads until they are fully completed.

3. What qualifies as low-quality content?

Low-quality content generally refers to pages with minimal information, duplicated content, or content that doesn't provide value to the user. Google prefers pages that are informative, original, and engaging.

4. How often should I update my content?

Regular updates are key to maintaining high-quality content. Aim to review and refresh your content at least every few months to ensure it remains relevant and valuable to your audience.

5. Can I place ads on pages like "Contact Us" or "Privacy Policy"?

It's recommended to avoid placing ads on pages with minimal content, such as "Contact Us" or "Privacy Policy." Focus ad placement on content-rich pages where users are likely to spend more time.

6. How long does it take for Google to review my site after fixing issues?

Google's review process can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks. Be patient and monitor your email for updates from Google regarding your site's status.

7. What can I do to avoid future AdSense violations?

Regularly audit your site to ensure all content is up to Google's standards. Avoid placing ads on pages with low-quality or non-existent content, and stay updated on Google's latest policies to prevent future violations.


Jay Malakar's experience is a reminder that maintaining a quality website is crucial for long-term success, especially when relying on platforms like Google AdSense for revenue. By taking proactive steps to enhance content, manage incomplete pages, and strategically place ads, Jay was able to overcome a significant challenge and continue growing his online presence.

For bloggers and website owners facing similar issues, Jay’s approach provides a practical roadmap to resolving AdSense policy violations and ensuring your site remains in good standing with Google.

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